Pro Ecclesia Volume 32

Issue 1-2, February-May 2023

Editor’s Note | Phillip Cary

Symposium: The Marks of the Resurrected Body

Does the Body Keep the Score After the Game Is Over? Personal Identity and Perfection in the Resurrected Body | Matt Jenson

Gender Identity: To Infinity and Beyond | Fellipe do Vale

The End of Race? Racial Identity and the Resurrection of the Body | Daniel Lee Hill

Symposium: Communicatio Idiomatum in Reformation Theology

Interpreting Luther's Christology Questions for Richard Cross’s Book Communicatio Idiomatum | Anna Vind

The Bee and Its Honey | Risto Saarinen

Continuity and Transformation: Medieval Christology in the Reformation | Volker Leppin

A Lutheran Interpretation of Communicatio Idiomatum: A Response to Richard Cross | Else Marie Wiberg Pedersen

Response to Critics | Richard Cross

Book Reviews

What is a Gospel? by Francis Watson The Gospel and the Gospels: Christian Proclamation and Early Jesus Books by Simon Gathercole | Zen Hess

Rethinking Paul: Protestant Theology and Pauline Exegesis by Edwin Chr. van Driel | Stephen J. Chester

Irenaeus, the Scriptures, and the Apostolic Writings: Reevaluating the Status of the New Testament Writings at the End of the Second Century by Kenneth Laing | Grayden McCashen

The Whole Mystery of Christ: Creation as Incarnation in Maximus Confessor by Jordan Daniel Wood | Samuel Korb

The Medieval Luther by Christine Helmer | Mickey L. Mattox

Sacramental Poetics in Richard Hooker and George Herbert: Exploring the Abundance of God by Brian Douglas | David B. Alenskis

Barth, Bonhoeffer, and Modern Politics by Joshua Mauldin | Frank Della Torre, II

Joseph Ratzinger and the Healing of the Reformation-Era Divisions by Emery de Gaal and Matthew Levering | Austin Suggs

The Theology of Benedict XVI: A Protestant Appreciation by Tim Perry | Joshua D. Brumfield

The Evangelical Theology of the Orthodox Church by Bradley Nassif | Jackson Shepard

The Doctrine of Scripture by Brad East | Brett Vanderzee

Fountain of Salvation: Trinity and Soteriology by Fred Sanders | Brad East

Contemplating God with the Great Tradition: Recovering Trinitarian Classical Theism by Craig A. Carter | Jonathan Morgan

The Accountable Animal: Justice, Justification, and Judgment by Brendan Case | Ty Paul Monroe