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Pro Ecclesia Volume 30

Issue 1, February 2021


The Father’s Kenosis: A Defense of Bonaventure on Intra-trinitarian Acts - Jordan Daniel Wood

Aquinas’s Eschatological Historiography: Job, Providence, and the Multiple Senses of the Historical Event - T. Adam Van Wart

Conversation Under the Sign of the Resurrection: Developing a Resurrection Lens for Pastoral Praxis - Jordan Redding

What is Good for Christ is Good for the Cosmos: Affirming the Resurrection of Creation - Keith Starkenburg

Review Essays

Christ as Infinite and Finite: Rowan Williams’ Christ the Heart of Creation - Katherine Sonderegger

Rediscovering Israel’s Messiah - Jennifer M. Rosner

Book Reviews

Henri de Lubac, Vatican Council Notebooks: Volume 1 and Volume 2 - Matthew A. Rothaus Moser

Yuval Noah Harrari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow - Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco

William J. Abraham, Divine Agency and Divine Action, Volume III: Systematic Theology - Justus H. Hunter

Pro Ecclesia Volume 29

Issue 4, November 2020

Symposium: Adam, the Fall, and the Goodness of God

Introduction to the Symposium - Thomas H. McCall, Joel Thomas Chopp

Genesis and the Challenges of a 21st-Century Reading - Bill T. Arnold

Prefiguration, Apocalypse, Tragedy: Three Trajectories of Patristic Interpretation of the Adamic Fall - Paul M. Blowers

Toward a New Account of the Fall, Informed by Anselm of Canterbury and Thomas Aquinas - Daniel W. Houck

Imago diaboli? Luther’s Anthropological Holism - Mickey L. Mattox


The Making Common of God: Augustine, Oliver O’Donovan, and Reading Scripture with Love - Will Bankston


Ephraim Radner, A Profound Ignorance: Modern Pneumatology and Its Anti-modern Redemption - David Ney

Peter J. Leithart, The End of Protestantism: Pursuing Unity in a Fragmented Church - Charles Raith

Joseph Kleugten, S.J., Pre-Modern Philosophy Defended - Justin Shaun Coyle

Issue 3, August 2020

Book Symposium: Christopher Seitz, The Elder Testament

On Seitz’s The Elder Testament: He Pitched a Winning Game but with Unforced Errors - Raymond C. Van Leeuwen

Reading the Scriptures Anew - John Behr

Christopher Seitz and the Priority of the Christ Event - Hans Boersma

Between Athens and Antioch: Literal and Extended-Sense Reading - Christopher R. Seitz


The Sensus Literalis and the Trinity in the English Enlightenment - David Ney

Leaven without Loss: Church and World across Balthasar’s Corpus - James R. Wood

Luther’s Theologian of the Cross and Theologian of Glory Distinction Reconsidered - Christopher D. Jackson

The Presence of Jesus Christ in the Office of the Ministry: Rethinking Luther from His Pulpit Out - Jonathan Mumme

Issue 2, May 2020

Book Symposium: John Behr’s John the Theologian

Myth and Phenomena: Introducing John the Theologian - Paul Saieg

Reflections on John Behr’s John the Theologian - Paul M. Blowers

In My End Is My Beginning - Charles M. Stang

Reading the Fourth Gospel Through a Patristic Lens - Harold W. Attridge

The Paschal Heart of John’s Gospel - Andrew Louth

On Flesh and Words - Olivier-Thomas Venard

John the Theologian: Appreciation of Responses - John Behr


Ecclesial Visibility as a Byproduct of Discipleship: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Understanding of the Visible Church and Its Ecumenical Implications - Cole Christian Jodon

Augustine’s Eschatological Vision: The Dynamism of Seeing and Seeking God in Heaven - Alexander H. Pierce


Robert Jenson, The Triune Story: Collected Essays on Scripture - Matthew Levering

Stephen O Presley, The Intertextual Reception of Genesis 1–3 in Irenaeus of Lyons - Daniel R. Driver

David Elliot, Hope and Christian Ethics - John Jalsevac


Corrigendum to Preaching in the Context of the Eucharist: A Patristic Perspective

Issue 1, February 2020

Symposium: Totus Christus

Totus Christus: A Proposal for Protestant Christology and Ecclesiology - J. David Moser

Hocus Totus: The Elusive Wholeness of Christ - Kevin J. Vanhoozer

Affirming Moser’s Well-Qualified Totus Christus - Michael Horton

Totus Christus and Praying the Psalms - Michael Allen

Corpus Mysticum: A Response to Vanhoozer, Horton, and Allen - J. David Moser


Constructing a Bernard-Hubmaier Trinitarian Model of Prevenient Grace - Kirk R. MacGregor

The Gospel of Jesus Christ as a Story to Be Told: The “Narrative” Theologies of Eberhard Jüngel and Hans Frei - R. David Nelson

“Go up onto a High Mountain” (Is. 40:9): Theophanic Exegesis as Mystical Ascent in On First Principles - John J. Allen

Review Essay

Attractive proposals: An Appreciative Appraisal of Douglas Farrow’s Theological Negotiations - Michael Bradley