Books of the Center
Published September 2021
What’s the Good of Humanity?
Victor Lee Austin and Joel C. Daniels, eds.
From a Christian perspective, it could well be said that humanity, a good gift of God, is being undermined by the technology and thought-patterns and practices of contemporary Western culture. In response to what is seen as an attack, many books have been written on the harm of these technologically driven practices. These articles and books focus on what is wrong: with euthanasia, with surrogate motherhood, with the denial of the male-female difference, and so forth. Yet to make a compelling cultural witness, it is more important for Christians to know what is right, and essential that they be able to articulate the positive. Why do babies matter? What is the goodness embedded in being made male and female? How can one approach death in a godly manner? We need, in other words, to be able to give an account of God's "Yes" (2 Cor 1:20), the hope that is within us (1 Peter 3:15). In this collection of essays, an ecumenical group of scholars, of diverse perspectives, discuss these and other important questions, in order to help discern what is good for humanity.
Published September 2020
Repentance and Forgiveness
Matthew E. Burdette and Victor Lee Austin, eds.
Reconciliation is at the heart of the Christian faith. It is what God accomplishes by the incarnation of his Son, by Jesus' cross, resurrection, and exaltation: that all people be drawn to God in Christ, and, in being so drawn, drawn into fellowship with one another. The good news of reconciliation is, therefore, also a call to repent and to receive forgiveness, and then, concomitantly, to forgive.
The present volume endeavors to reexamine these most fundamental Christian claims. These essays, which were first presented at the 2017 annual Pro Ecclesia conference, return to the biblical sources to help us understand reconciliation afresh. The authors raise questions about repentance and forgiveness from various perspectives: Jewish, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant. They also consider our present-day context, what has been called the "technoculture," as well as the practice of repentance and forgiveness.
Published March 2019
The Emerging Christian Minority
Victor Lee Austin and Joel C. Daniels, eds.
An increase in secularization throughout the Western world has resulted in Christian communities finding themselves in a new context: emerging as a minority group. What does this changing landscape mean for existing Christian communities? Are there biblical or historical precedents for this situation? What should we expect in the future? These were the issues taken up by the speakers at the 2016 conference, “The Emerging Christian Minority,” sponsored by the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology.
Remembering the Reformation: Commemorate? Celebrate? Repent?
Michael Root and James J. Buckley, eds.
In 1517, Martin Luther set off what has been called, at least since the nineteenth century, the Protestant Reformation. Can Christians of differing traditions commemorate the upcoming 500th anniversary of this event together? How do we understand and assess the Reformation today? What calls for celebration? What calls for repentance? Can the Reformation anniversary be an occasion for greater mutual understanding among Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants? At the 2015 Pro Ecclesia annual conference for clergy and laity, meeting at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, an array of scholars--Catholic and Orthodox, Evangelical Lutheran and American Evangelical as well as Methodist--addressed this topic. The aim of this book is not only to collect these diverse Catholic and Evangelical perspectives but also to provide resources for all Christians, including pastors and scholars, to think and argue about the roads we have taken since 1517--as we also learn to pray with Jesus Christ "that all may be one" (John 17:21).
Life Amid the Principalities
Michael Root and James J. Buckley, eds.
We are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness” (Eph. 6:12). So Paul warns his Ephesian readers. And yet Paul also says that these principalities and powers were created in and for Christ (Col 1:16) and cannot separate us from the love of God (Rom 8:38). What are the principalities and powers of our time? How do we understand them as created, fallen, and disarmed? How does the Christian today engage these powers? These are the questions speakers and participants addressed at the 2014 Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology.
Heaven, Hell,… and Purgatory?
Michael Root and James J. Buckley, eds.
What is our destiny? The final end of humanity and the universe is a subject of perennial interest, especially for Christians. What are we promised? Will anyone finally be left out of God’s intentions to bless humanity? What sort of transformation will be needed to enter the presence of God? These questions have been at the heart of Christian teachings about last things.
The 2013 Pro Ecclesia Conference of the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology focused such issues on the theme “Heaven, Hell … and Purgatory?” The six essays in this volume cover a range of topics of interest to Catholic, Evangelical and Orthodox theology.
What Does It Mean to “Do This”? Supper, Mass, Eucharist
Michael Root and James J. Buckley, eds.
Jesus’ best-known mandate–after perhaps the mandate to love God and neighbor–was given at the Last Supper just before his death: “Do this in memory of me.” Indeed, a case can be made that to “do this” is the source and summit of the way Christians carry out Jesus’ love-mandate. Of course, Christians have debated what it means to “do this,” and these debates have all too often led to divisions within and between them–debates over leavened and unleavened bread, reception of the cup, real presence and sacrifice, “open” or “closed” communion, this Supper and the hunger of the world. These divisions seem to fly in the face of Jesus’ mandate, causing some to wonder whether this is “really” the Lord’s Supper we celebrate (compare 1 Corinthians 11). Everything turns on just what it means to “do this.” The purpose of the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology’s 2012 conference was to address at least some of the many aspects of this question–to address them together, as Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox pastors and theologians, and all participants in the Supper.
Who Do You Say That I Am? Proclaiming and Following Jesus Today
Michael Root and James J. Buckley, eds.
No question is more central to Christian living, preaching, and theology than Jesus’ question to his disciples: Who do you say that I am? Some would have it that pastors and theologians, biblical exegetes and historians, dogmatic and moral theologians, Catholic and Evangelical have more differences than similarities in the way Christians with such diverse vocations respond to Jesus’ question. And there is little doubt that there sometimes seem to be unbridgeable gulfs between the way historians and believers, Internet gossipers and preachers, classical christological debates and present-day praying and pastoral care implicitly or explicitly address the Lord’s question. But the authors here address these and other issues in ways that are remarkably convergent, as if a “Catholic and Evangelical theology” for proclaiming and following Jesus today has emerged, or is indeed emerging.
Christian Theology and Islam
Michael Root and James J. Buckley, eds.
How can Christians committed to the classical Christian tradition (Evangelicals and Catholics) address the issues raised by contemporary Islam? Along with and even prior to much needed dialogue between Christians and Muslims, Christians need to ask themselves how their Scriptures and traditions might bear on such dialogue. Do the divisions among Christians (Catholic and Evangelical) fracture the classical Christian tradition in ways that undercut “Christian”-Muslim dialogue before it starts? Or does that classical tradition provide resources for thinking out and working out their own divisions in ways that will ready them for authentic conversation with Muslim brothers and sisters in Christ? And what does this tradition have to teach us about what Christians can and must learn from Muslims about their own traditions? The essays in this volume begin to address these questions.
The Morally Divided Body: Ethical Disagreement and the Disunity of the Church
Michael Root and James J. Buckley, eds.
At the same time as Catholic and Protestant Christians have increasingly come to agree on issues that divided them during the sixteenth-century reformations, they seem increasingly to disagree on issues of contemporary “morality” and “ethics.” Do such arguments doom the prospects for realistic full communion among the churches? Or are such disagreements a new opportunity to convert together to the triune God’s word and work on the communion of saints for the world? Or should our hope be different than simple pessimism or optimism? In this volume, eight authors address different aspects of these questions, hoping to move Christians a small step further toward the visible unity of the church.
Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword: Preaching, Teaching, and Living the Bible
Michael Root and James J. Buckley, eds.
Keen insight for preaching and teaching Scripture are to be found in these pages. Several respected scholars here discuss how to read and live the Bible theologically in our contemporary context. How to read the Bible theologically for the sake both of faithful mission and the Christian life stands at the center of the authors’ concerns.
Mary, Mother of God
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
Since the Council of Ephesus (A.D. 431), orthodox Christianity has confessed Mary as “Theotokos, “Mother of God.” Yet neither this title nor Mary’s significance has fared well in Protestant Christianity. In the wake of new interest in Mary following Vatican II and recent ecumenical dialogues, this volume seeks to makes clear that Mariology is properly related to Christ and his church in ways that can and should be meaningful for all Christians. Written with insight and sensitivity by Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant scholars, these seven studies inquire into Mary’s place in the story of salvation, in personal devotion, and in public worship.
The Ecumenical Future
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
Early in 2003 a group of sixteen theologians from various church traditions published “The Princeton Proposal,” a current and critical statement on the present state and future possibilities of modern ecumenism. The Ecumenical Future, then, illuminates the scholarly studies behind the development of “The Princeton Proposal” in the form of fourteen essays that provide a focused examination of the issues that still divide the church and of the common ground that is still mutually to be discovered.
In One Body Through the Cross: The Princeton Proposal for Christian Unity
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
The Princeton Proposal is a landmark statement on the present situation and future possibilities of modern ecumenism. Drafted by sixteen theologians and ecumenists from various church traditions, who met over a period of three years in Princeton, New Jersey, this document seeks to steer contemporary efforts at church unity away from social and political agendas, which are themselves divisive, and back to the chief goal of the modern ecumenical movement — the visible unity of Christian worldwide, of all those who are reconciled “in one body through the cross.”
Since the study group that produced this statement was instituted and its participants were chosen by an independent ecumenical foundation, the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology, their “unofficial” work presents especially profound and creative reflection on the ecumenical task. With this report the study group members do not claim to speak for their churches, but hope to speak to all the churches out of shared concern for the founding ecumenical imperative “that they all may be one … so that the world may believe.”
Signatories of the Princeton Proposal:
William Abraham
Mark Achtemeier
Brian Daley
John H. Erickson
Vigen Guroian
George Lindbeck
Lois Malcolm
Bruce McCormack
R. R. Reno
Michael Root
William G. Rusch
Geoffrey Waniwright
Susan K. Wood
Telford Work
J. Robert Wright
David Yeago
Jews and Christians: People of God
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
While Christians and Jews have always been aware of their religious connections — historical continuity, overlapping theology, shared Scriptures — that awareness has traditionally been infected by centuries of mutual suspicion and hostility. As this important volume shows, however, theologians and scholars of Judaism and Christianity alike are now radically rethinking the relation between their two covenant communities.
Published May 2002
The Last Things: Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Eschatology
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
In modern theology the “last things” of traditional Christian doctrine have largely been ignored or replaced with various metaphysical, psychological, or ethical reinterpretations of Christianity. This volume takes the biblical vision of the future seriously once again, explaining the significance of Christian eschatology for the faith and theology of the contemporary church.
The Strange New Word of the Gospel: Re-Evangelizing in the Postmodern World
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
This volume provides serious theological reflection on Christian missions within postmodern, post-Christian culture. In today’s postmodern culture many people are turning to religion, but they are not necessarily finding their way back to the church. Most unbelievers in America and other Western countries are “post-Christians.” Though baptized and brought up in the church, they no longer believe and practice the Christian faith. In such a time, the great challenge facing the church is re-evangelization.
Published February 2001
Church Unity and the Papal Office: An Ecumenical Dialogue on John Paul II’s Encyclical Ut Unum Sint
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
This book provides the first theological and ecumenical response to Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Ut Unum Sint (“That All May Be One”). Scholars representing Anglican, Orthodox, Lutheran, Methodist and Evangelical churches offer fresh perspectives on this pivotal document calling for a “patient and fraternal dialogue” concerning the ministry of the papal office in the service of church unity.
Sin, Death, and the Devil
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
Sin, death, and the devil, called “the unholy trinity” by Martin Luther, are the classic biblical tyrants. This volume, which takes its cue from John Paul II’s description of Western society as a “culture of death,” unveils the faces of sin, death and the devil in modern culture. Far from being pessimistic, however, these engaging chapters by eight recognized theologians take care to affirm God’s victory over the diabolical forces that oppress humanity — a victory continually realized through the proclamation of the gospel and the sacraments of the church.
Union with Christ: The New Finnish Interpretation of Luther
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
This book introduces the English-speaking world to the new Finnish interpretation of the theology of Martin Luther, initiated by the writings of Tuomo Mannermaa of Helsinki University. At the heart of this Finnish breakthrough in Luther research lies the theme of salvation. Four noted scholars of Mannermaa’s circle contribute supporting chapters in related areas and four American theologians provide critically appreciative responses to the Finnish theologians’ work.
Marks of the Body of Christ
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
Martin Luther once listed seven “marks” of the church, defining ecclesial features whose presence show where the true church is to be found, and without which a community’s claim to be the church must be called into question. Luther’s list reflects Reformation concerns, but it is also ecumenically acceptable and a matter of importance to Christendom at large. This volume brings together essays by Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, and Orthodox theologians, each analyzing one of the seven traditional marks of the church.
The Two Cities of God: The Church’s Responsibility for the Earthly City
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson
The chapters of this book offer informed perspectives on a “theology of the world,” exploring the question: How does/should the church relate to the secular world? The standard dogma of the 1960s was Let the world set the agenda! Such a perspective has often caused the American church merely to reflect, rather than to inform and lead, the society in which it lives. Surely, say the authors of this volume, it must be the other way around.
The Catholicity of the Reformation
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
As the title of this engaging book suggests, “catholicity” was the true intent of the Reformation. The Reformers did not set out to create what later came to be known as Protestant Christianity. Theirs was a quest for reformation and renewal in continuity with the “one holy catholic and apostolic church” of ancient times. The authors of the essays collected here demonstrate this catholicity of the Reformers and stress the importance of recovering the church’s catholic tradition today.
Either/Or: The Gospel or Neopaganism
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
The contributors to this volume argue forthrightly that neopaganism is not merely an objective threat from outside the walls of the church; in fact, gnostic forms of thought and spirituality permeate the church’s inner life under such guises as “pluralism,” “multiculturalism,” “feminism,” and “hospitality.” Their essays are a direct attack on once-Bible-centered doctrine that is now being mingled with “alternatives” that are inherently hostile to the Christian faith.
Reclaiming the Bible for the Church
Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds.
These essays address the crisis of biblical authority and interpretation in the church, focusing in particular on the inadequacy of the historical-critical method of hermeneutics, addressing from various perspectives the notorious gap between the historical-critical approach to the study of the Bible and the church’s liturgical and dogmatic transmission of biblical faith. The authors, following Childs’ “canonical method” of biblical interpretation, argue that the historical-critical method should not of itself set the agenda for biblical reading.